Flashbot Kit Flashbot Kit

Flashbot Kit

Item # 801120x
$69.99 - $79.99
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Product Details

Play and practice at the same time with our Flashbot, the flashcard robot!  It's so fun that your students will engage instantly and stay captivated as they practice fast, automatic recall of basic skills.  It’s perfect for guided or independent practice.

Kids feed a flashcard into Flashbot’s mouth, say the answer, and then see the correct answer magically appear below as it flips the card and sends it back out to them. Your students receive immediate feedback for every card. They can put the completed cards into two piles - one for mastered (answered quickly and correctly), and one for more practice (answered slowly or incorrectly). 

Students will gain confidence and motivation as they practice and see their “mastered” pile grow and grow!  Plus, Flashbot is just plain ol’ FUN to play with!  You will love that Flashbot does not require batteries and is not an electronic device.  Choose from our specialized groups of flashcard sets!

Flashbot Flashcard Sets: Each flashcard set includes 3 decks of 54 cards each (162 cards total)

Early Learning: 3 Sets (ages 3-5)
Our Early Learning flashcard sets are perfect for introducing and practicing emerging literacy and math skills.  Most of the cards depend on direction by a teacher or parent, at least at the beginning, because there are words or numbers on many cards.  Additionally, some of the cards are used with question prompts, such as, “Who needs this?”  They are great for developing understanding of print, how words look, comprehension of ideas, and how written symbols represent concrete things.

  1. Speaking Flashcards (yes/no questions; what doesn’t belong?; who needs this?)
  2. Nouns  (food, objects, animals)
  3. Counting  (objects, dots, ten-frames)

Basic Literacy: 3 Sets (ages 4-6)
Basic Literacy flashcard sets provide progressive practice beginning with individual sounds, moving through letter/sound associations, to decoding simple words and identifying the letters that go with the sound buttons provided.  Students will benefit from teacher or parent guidance before practicing independently. In the memory set, number memory and visual memory can be practiced independently, but the memory comprehension cards will require a reader for the questions.  

  1. Letter Sounds (beginning, final, and middle sounds)
  2. Phonics (blends, vowel sounds, syllables)
  3. Decoding (nouns with sound buttons for decoding CVC, vowels, digraphs, blends)

Literacy Growth: 4 Sets (ages 6-9)
The Literacy Growth group of flashcard sets provides practice with important higher level literacy skills. When used independently, students should be reading on a 3rd or 4th grade level. These sets focus on understanding meanings of words, meanings of word parts, and meanings of common phrases. 

  1. Comprehension (fact/opinion, cause/effect, inference) 
  2. Meanings (metaphors/similes, multiple meanings, idioms) 
  3. Word Family (prefixes, root words, suffixes)
  4. Verbs (irregular verbs, regular past tense, active & passive verbs) 

Math Skills: 4 Sets (ages 5-9)
The extensive Math Skills flashcard sets provide colorful, fun practice with basic addition and subtraction all the way up to understanding fractions and word problems.  With each set consisting of 3 different decks, it is easy to differentiate and meet your student’s needs. 

  1. Subtraction (numbers to 10/ to 20/ to 100)
  2. Addition (numbers to 10/ to 20/ to 100)
  3. Multiplication (x2, x3, x4, x5, x10, then x6, x7, x8, x9, and division)
  4. Fractions (geometric fractions, visual fractions and word problems)

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