Too Close, Too Far, Just Right Too Close, Too Far, Just Right

Too Close, Too Far, Just Right

Item # 540092
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Product Details

Too Close, Too Far, Just Right is a dynamic game designed to teach the concept of personal space. Developed by Sandra Singer, Ph.D., Lois Feigenbaum, LCSW, and Claudia Weiss, LCSW, this game helps players understand socially accepted physical boundaries through engaging social scenarios.

As they play, players take turns performing scenes described on Role Play Cards, and the group evaluates whether their proximity to each other is appropriate for the situation—whether it's "too close," "too far," or "just right." By participating in these scenarios, children learn how standing at different distances can impact others' comfort levels and relationships.

With a focus on fun and interactive learning, Too Close, Too Far, Just Right offers a gentle yet effective way to enhance children's awareness of personal space and improve their social interactions. Ideal for 4 to 8 players or teams, this game can be facilitated by teachers or therapists in a variety of settings.

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