Survival Guide Personal Care Survival Guide Personal Care Survival Guide Personal Care

Survival Guide Personal Care

Item # 705380
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Product Details

Explore Personal Care is designed to help adolescents and adults develop self care skills and routines with engaging step-by-step lessons. Available in two gender-specific versions with over 60 double-sided activity cards, these books teach students how to maintain personal hygiene and appearance while also building an understanding of why these skills are important.

For each lesson, a task analysis approach is used to break the targeted skill down into manageable steps. Activities are presented in a consistent sequence format, alongside additional reinforcement such as vocabulary words, fun facts, step-by-step illustrations, photographs, and helpful tips. With text, detailed pictures, and role play scenarios to reinforce each lesson, this curriculum is a great resource for building self care skills and is easily adapted to individual learning needs.

The Survival Guide Personal Care For Men is 285 pages and includes 61 double-sided activity cards. The Survival Guide Personal Care For Women is 324 pages and includes 64 double-sided activity cards.

Recommended for grades 6-12.

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