AAC Devices

Augmentative communication is any item that is used to increase, maintain, or improve a person’s ability to communicate. It can increase vocalizations, articulation, comprehension, interpersonal interactions, creative use of language, attention span, and self-esteem. It can also decrease disruptive and aggressive behavior, self-stimulation, and frustration.

Electronic communication devices permit the storage and retrieval of messages, allowing the user to communicate with others using speech output. This works well to increase social interaction and can be a very effective long terms solution for those who have very limited or no expressive language skills.

Often those who do not progress beyond picture communication will move to some sort of electronic communicator. Picture Exchange Communication uses pictures instead of words to help children communicate. Pictures of common symbols, objects and photographs are used to convey very simple messages, make choices or comments. Pictures can be used for classroom charts, communication boards, communication books and on individual cards. Some people refer to this type of communication as PECS.