Product Details
Do you work with students who struggle with accurately attending to and following oral directions that contain multiple steps? The Receptive Language bundles include fun activities that help students build listening skills and follow directions. The activities are grounded in research and evidence based methods, and you can vary the complexity of tasks to match student needs.
The Receptive Language Bundle 1 contains over 100 different full color laminated and velcroed picture cards attached to illustrated pages specially designed to help teach the skills of listening to and following multi-step directions. Three additional ‘helper’ pages are included, packed with suggestions for using the interactive materials, and they cover a wide-range of prompting ideas!
Themes of the pages in Bundle 1 include silly fun such as meeting up with ‘aliens’ on their ‘planet’, interacting in a different outdoor scene theme page for each season, or following directions for functional tasks of assembling ‘cheeseburgers’ and ‘ice-cream sundaes’, and more!
The Receptive Bundle 2 contains 96 different laminated and velcroed picture cards. Themes of the pages include interacting with fun robots on their planet, interacting with items involving kids on a picnic, following directions for the functional assembly of a sub sandwich and many more!
These bundles of activities can be used with a wide-range of listening-skill abilities using the same pages! Complexity and variation of direction-following are possible through the multiple elements available on each of these specially illustrated pages. For example: one prompt given to the student may be as simple as "Put a banana on a tree”. A more complicated prompt sequence could be used: "Place the small banana on the big tree”. And a complex multi-step sequence to follow can also be given: “Place the big banana on the small vine on the big tree." Students can also enjoy following directions while completing functional themes involving food preparation such as "Put cheese and two pickles on the burger.”Everything is heavy-duty laminated, and all pages are three hole punched for easy storage in the 3-ring binder.
Age Level: all