Money Bags

Item # 590078
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Product Details

This exciting, beginner Money Bags game will get your students off to a fantastic start with counting money!  As students roll the die and move across the board, they get to collect money from the bank.  When they land on a space, they spin the spinner to see which coins can be taken from the bank to make that amount (for example, if the spinner indicates “no quarters,” they use any coins except quarters to collect their amount of money). 

Money values on the board spaces are all under $1, so counting coins is a primary learning goal of the game.  Certain spaces also allow players to “change it up”, so they can exchange lesser value coins for a greater value coin (for example, they exchange 2 dimes and 1 nickel for 1 quarter).  The player with the most money at the end of the game wins!  

Contents:  1 game board, 1 die, 100 realistic plastic coins, 10 play $1 bills, 4 game markers.

Players: 2-4

Ages: 7 and up.


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