Product Details
Grounded in research and evidence-based methods, these 5 Life Skills Math workbooks are designed to give students truly practical experience using math in the real world. Students will learn to use math to pay bills, shop online, use a credit card, shop for the best buy, and stay on budget.
Each book includes activities such as reading comprehension, filling out forms, using a glossary, and answering real-life math word problems. They feature high interest lessons with explicit instruction, photographs and illustrations, word definitions, and practical math activities. Word problems cover adding and subtracting money, multiplying and dividing money, figuring percentages, working with large numbers, and more.
The word problems are based on common daily situations. Students will solve them using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The word problems progress in difficulty. Glossary and glossary match-up sections at the end of each workbook include activities that serve as a review or may be used as pre- and post-tests. This life skills program will help students master math skills that are essential to everyday life!
Purchase the whole set or choose from the following individual workbooks:
Credit Card Math:
Students will learn what a credit card is, how to apply for one, a credit score, how to read a statement, and what it means to use a credit card responsibly.
Bank Account Math:
Students will learn about bank accounts, what they are, how to use a debit card, read an account statement, do online banking and responsibly use a bank account.
Budget Math:
Introduce students to the role that money handling plays in all areas of a person's life, while reinforcing basic math skills through a variety of problem solving exercises.
Bargain Math:
This workbook gives students tools to become smart shoppers by introducing them to various ways to save money if they shop wisely. Specific kinds of bargains are highlighted throughout the book giving them lots of practice in recognizing and computing savings.
Checkbook Math:
Students will read short word problems based on common scenarios they will face in real life, write checks for money spent, record transactions, and keep track of their balances. This book also includes extra checks and registers.
Each of the 5 reproducible workbooks is 62 pages. They each include skill charts, a section presenting detailed information and activities, a math activities section, and glossary / vocabulary activities. Answer keys are in the back of each book.
Grade Level: 6-12