Product Details
The "I can do it!" Reward Chart is a fun, easy to use tool for helping kids through the daily routine. Each task features an attractive colorful picture of the action to help children associate words with the task. This sturdy laminated chart features strong magnetic strips to hold it securely to any metal surface, making it perfect for the refrigerator. The sturdy plastic stars and chores attach easily with hook and loop circles.
This set includes 20 different chores and behaviors to choose from. Chores include: Get dressed, Go potty, Brush your teeth, No whining, Get along with others, Good manners at the table, Make bed, Set the table, Help with dishes, Go to bed and stay in bed, Good manners while others are on the phone, Say please and thank you, No mean words, No yelling, Eat your veggies, No harming others, Feed pets, Share your toys, Water the plants, Clean your mess and 3 Blank labels.
Approximate size is 11" x 15.5"
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