Cozy Caterpillar girl on white couch Cozy Caterpillar boy stretching arms Cozy Caterpillar girl sitting in chair

Cozy Caterpillar

Item # 410126CC
$54.99 - $69.99
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Product Details

The Cozy Caterpillar is like a giant compression sock for your clients.  It's great for providing deep pressure for those who struggle with anger, anxiety, sensory or focus challenges. This body sock features a unique tube design that is different from a traditional body sock. It provides deep pressure from the shoulders down creating a large compression tube for your clients.

With an open end on both sides, it's both safe and easy to use. To use, just stretch the sock up and around the shoulders and over the knees or even down to the feet. When not in use, your client can gather the sock around their waist like a sash making it available when they need it. Therapists will appreciate the triple stitched spandex, making this product highly durable.

Sizes (choose by weight of client)

Size Weight of Client
XS 22-45 lbs
Small 46-70 lbs 
Medium 71-110 lbs
Large  111-160 lbs
XL 161 lbs and Over

Warranty Information


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