Active Seating: Therapy Ball, Seating Disc, or Wedge Which One Should You Use?

Mar 27th 2017


There are now several studies that have shown students, including those with ADHD and other special needs, focus better in the classroom when they are allowed to wiggle this is called "active seating". One way kids can move while focusing is to sit on items like a therapy ball, seating disc or wedge. We are often asked by teachers and parents what is the difference and what would work best for our child.

All three of these active seating options should help students to focus, because they operate in similar ways. When a child sits on a therapy ball, wedge, or cushion they are sitting on a slightly unstable surface.

The slight instability of the surface causes the child to continuously make minor adjustments with their core muscles to stay balanced and seated on the object. The core muscles of our bodies, the muscles that run up and down the front of our bodies and the mid and lower back help with stability and are rather large. Thus the constant small movements of the core muscles allow the child to, in a sense fidget without appearing to move.

Therapy Balls

Several studies have shown the effectiveness of therapy balls in increasing attention and focus with students. You can read more about those studies here.

As we have talked to teachers here has been our feedback:

The positives first: a therapy ball provides more opportunities for movement with the leg muscles as well as the core muscles and has been helpful for very fidgety kids.

However, the downside is some kids have used the balls to gain attention by falling off the balls, rolling the balls and thus distracting the class.

If you do decide to use a therapy ball make sure it is an “anti-burst” ball as some cheaper therapy balls will in effect pop and almost immediately drop your student on the ground. Another option is to purchase ball chairs.

Seating Discs

Several styles of seating discs have research behind them and have been used in classes to effectively help students focus. These discs can be placed on a student's chair so that they create the instability of a ball, but can’t roll away.

You will need to experiment with the amount of air you add to the cushion – more air can create more instability, but the student may not like it. Disc o Sits are highly sturdy and easy to inflate/deflate with a plug that you just pull out and blow into. There are also lower cost versions of these.

Seating Wedges

Seating wedges also provide instability that causes the core muscles to move. However, these items also have the added benefit of encouraging better posture.

For students with poor postural control, or those who tend to slouch, this item will tilt their pelvis forward encouraging straighter spine alignment. Like the seating discs, you can adjust the amount of air in the wedges to adjust the instability.

We hope this answers your questions about wiggle seats. If you have more questions feel free to talk to our customer service team at 877-249-2393 we want to help you find the best product for your students!