Product Details
The 5 W's Fiction & Nonfiction Binder is grounded in research and evidence based practices
that have been replicated in classrooms across the United States. It explicitly teaches and provides targeted practice in comprehension strategies to help students understand and remember important concepts from their reading. Each illustrated passage is 110-145 words written at a 2.0-4.5 reading level, with who, what, when, where, and why comprehension questions and a cloze reading activity.
The fiction section includes 40 humorous twists on fairy tales like, "Humpty Dumpty Sues Wall Builders." The non-fiction section includes 20 non-fiction passages based on real news stories about animals. In addition to the 5 W’s questions and cloze reading activity, each nonfiction worksheet requires students to identify the main idea, expand vocabulary, and determine whether a statement is a fact or an opinion. A "Find Out More!" question challenges students to use an additional reference (book or the internet) to build their fund of knowledge on the topic.
The 3-ring binder contains instructions, additional activity ideas, Common Core Standards, Reading Levels, reproducible worksheets, answer keys, and a CD that includes all contents of the binder in PDF format.
Warranty Information: USA
CCSS Level: 2-4
Reading Level Grades: 2.0-4.5