Product Details
Use What's It For? to teach the function of objects, categorizing, and WH questions. Great for the classroom or clinic, it was designed by an autism specialist to support common IEP goals. It utilizes research and evidence-based methods to help students build literacy skills in the areas of vocabulary and comprehension. The book is designed to be used on multiple levels, with 4 pre-reading skill activities and 3 reading skill activities described in the instructions on the inside cover.
Each book page begins with a “What’s It For” question, then students search for pictures of 3 different objects that answer the question, and attach them to the appropriate Velcro squares below the questions. For example, “Where did I sit? I sat on a bench. I sat on a couch. I sat on a chair.” Students find and attach picture cards of bench, couch, and chair. The last sentence categorizes: “A bench, a couch, and a chair are all types of furniture.”
This laminated book is bound with loose-leaf binder rings so that pages can be reordered or removed as desired. Following the instructions page, it features 5 pages of 30 full color 2" x 2" Velcro backed pictures and 10 different “What’s It For” question and answer pages.
Reading Level: 1st grade and up or with facilitator support
Interest Level: PreK and up