Autism Education and Product Updates

Independence Starts Now

Independence Starts Now

May 3rd 2024

Several years ago at an ABAI conference we had the pleasure of listening to Dr. Bridget Taylor talk about helping people on the spectrum become independent. Often it’s easier, or more efficie … read more
​What is the Yippee/TBH creature?

​What is the Yippee/TBH creature?

Posted by Grace Arnwine on Sep 19th 2023

What is the Yippee/TBH creature? If you’ve browsed the internet, you may or may not be aware of a new symbol that is gaining popularity in the autism community. The image, which began circ … read more
What is a Sensory Toy and How Can they Help?

What is a Sensory Toy and How Can they Help?

Posted by Bonnie Arnwine on Apr 28th 2023

Sensory toys, my family loves them and so do I. I love sensory based play because it is beneficial for all children and it's lots of fun. What is a sensory toy? Sensory toys come in many … read more